
PLANTinspekta is one of the leading inspection and engineering companies in Czech republic with an extensive portfolio in all areas control and inspection activity. The range of services covers all aspects of conventional, nuclear energy, gasoil, paper industry including welding management, non-destructive testing  and water protection groundwater resources.

PLANTinspekta s.r.o.  inspectors operated in the area of inspections of dedicated equipments (pressure, gas, electrical, lifting) since 1992 and they perform in-service inspection, investment, participate in maintenance and cooperate on setting lifetime equipment.. The company consists from experience of highly qualified inspectors. 

Inspectors of PLANTinspekta s.r.o. are qualified according to EN ISO 9712:2012 and are personally certified by Czech Government authority – Technical Inspection of the Czech Republic (TIČR) for production, maintenance and inspection dedicated technical equipment.